It is a normal human experience to hear voices. All human beings have a mental dialogue in their minds (self-talk) while many more hear the voices of other beings. As well as there being diverse experiences, there are diverse explanations for voices.
Similarly, it is a normal human experience to feel fragmented or dissociated in your identity. We all play different roles in life which call forth different 'sub-personalities' within us. These sub-personalities can be in conflict with each other, especially if you have experienced trauma as a child.
If you have learnt to bury or repress certain feelings or thoughts, these feelings and thoughts can then exert an unconscious influence on your psyche, showing up as voices, self-destructive behaviours, physical pain or myriad symptoms of mental pain.
Voices or dissociations can also be a connection with the astral or etheric realms. Clairaudience is a natural and normal human ability, but if the experience is distressing or misleading, then help may be needed.
Services & help
Here are some ways to help voice-hearers and people who experience dissociation, psychosis or non-ordinary states of consciousness...
February 2025 "Finding Your Voice" - a recovery course for voice-hearers
mad hatters Academy
explanations for VOICES & PARTS
Broadly speaking, there are three theoretical schools of thought that attempt to explain voice-hearing:
1. Trauma theory: the idea that voices/parts are dissociated aspects of the self which have been created as a psychological defence against overwhelming and traumatising memories, beliefs, thoughts and feelings.
2. Clairadience theory: the idea that the voices are beings or entities which exist in the subtle and etheric dimensions, and which are communicating with the person.
3. Biological/illness theory: the idea that the voices are induced within the brain from neurochemical imbalances and/or toxic stress.
It is possible that all three theories may apply to you, and all three may hold clues and keys for healing.
Major theoretical & lived experience CONTRIBUTORS
Click to find out about each one....