May you find your own voice
May you befriend it and trust it
And may it set you free
about The Voice Sanctuary
The Voice Sanctuary is a safe harbour for people who wish to explore and transform troubling thoughts, voices, internal conflicts, negative self-beliefs or difficult life stories.
There are many reasons why people have these experiences, and it does not mean you're crazy or broken. Life brings so many challenges to us all; healing is about making sense of your experiences and integrating (accepting, loving and learning from) all that you are.
Individual Mentoring & Therapy
Specialised therapy for working with voices, parts of the self, psychosis, psycho-spiritual crises and other concerns...
Join us on a restorative respite for people who have experienced psychosis, mania or non-ordinary states of consciousness....
Based on CBT principles, learn how to tell your own story with compassion and insight, for healing purposes.
I am both a Social Worker and a person with lived experience; I have recovered from multiple diagnoses of mental illness and I devote myself to life-long learning about human psychology, spirituality and evolution.
I have also been a published author and book editor, and I now use these skills to help people capture tell their stories in writing and art.
LEARN MORE about my story and my qualifications...
about Louisa
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